Startup Institute

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The Secret to Success in Your Career... and Life

[bctt tweet="Grit is living life like it is a marathon - not a sprint. - Angela Duckworth #growthmindset"]

By the very nature of building something from scratch, startup work means that you must never stop learning. By nature of being innovative, working in tech means that new strategies and tools will no longer be new by the time you come to grasp them. Whether you're the new kid in town — learning the ropes and skilling-up to make an immediate impact — or a C-level executive facing tough decisions to bring your company to scale, you're facing an uphill battle.

In this six minute TEDTalk, management consultant-turned-teacher-turned-psychologist-turned author and speaker (phew!) Angela Duckworth explains her theory of "grit" as the leading predictor of career success. Much like these inspiring words from Ira Glass (seriously, watch that video if you haven't), Duckworth reminds us that it is those who accept the battle and never admit defeat — those who have emotional intelligence and a growth mindset — who make it to the top.

According to our research at Startup Institute, grit is one of the six characteristics that entrepreneurial leaders value most in their employees. Wondering how you measure up? Take Duckworth's grit quiz to find out how you score compared to other people. Then, check out our research to learn the other five qualities that these top executives are looking for.