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11 Books and Videos to Help You Find Your Passion in 2016

Do you ever find yourself dissatisfied with your career path, and how you spend your time day-to-day? Do you wonder if there is more out there for you? One of the best things you can do to find your way to a career you love is first finding your passion. Start by exploring the world around you. This doesn’t need to mean buying an airplane ticket. Start simple; read motivational books and watch educational videos. To jump-start your journey, our New York team compiled our top 11 books and videos, and a blog, to help you discover what you’re meant to do.[bctt tweet="11 Books + Videos to Help You Find Your #Passion in 2016 by @ARHerndon"]

Books to help you find your passion:

For those of you looking for something to read on the morning commute or simply prefer the written word, here are our top seven book recommendations for you.

  1. The Happiness of Pursuit by Chris Guillebeau

Why read it?: All about finding the quest that will bring you fulfillment, this book not only inspires but guides. After setting out to visit all the world's countries, the author surprised himself by realizing the diversity of humanity. A favorite of mine![bctt tweet="Looking for a fulfilling quest? Read 'The Happiness of Pursuit,' says @ARHerndon"]

  1. What Color is Your Parachute? by Richard Bolles

Why read it?: This book offers tactical advice on job-hunting while also helping you unpack who you are as a person and what you want out of life (and is a favorite of NYC program director, John Lynn,'s dad!).

  1. Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Why read it?: An international bestseller and New York Times award winning publication, Daniel Kahneman breaks down the human mind and why we think the way we do. Recommended by our very own New York admissions manager, Frances Simowitz.[bctt tweet="Know thyself better by reading 'Thinking Fast + Slow,' says @franny_fresh @ARHerndon"]

  1. The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz

Why read it?: Horowitz talks about the realities of running and the hardships of starting a business. Many people only focus on the happy endings, but this author talks you through all the ups and downs.

  1. 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

Why read it?: Robert Greene consolidates three thousand years of history into 48 laws of power to live by. Instructive but ruthless, sharing with you the “whys” of some of history’s greatest leaders.

  1. Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person by Shonda Rhimes

Why read it?: The hit TV producer and writer Shonda Rhimes shares her experiences from challenging herself to say YES, and how it has changed her life for the good. Recommended by an instructor from our technical marketing course, Molly Ford Beck, who authors her own advice blog  [bctt tweet="Read 'Year of Yes' + learn to challenge yourself to seize opportunities, says @MollyFordBeck"]

  1. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

Why read/ watch it?: For our readers who need a combo approach, Randy Pausch is the man for you. The Last Lecture is available in book and video. This lecture is about realizing your dreams and finding ways to achieve them.

Videos to help you find your passion:

If your current situation feels more like drudgery than passion, these videos and can inspire the introspection that will inform your next steps.

  1. How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek

Why watch it?: If reading is not your favorite past-time, many TEDTalks will offer the food-for-thought and inspiration you need to incite self-discovery. In particular, this TEDTalk by Simon Sinek reminds us to “start with why.” How have those that have accomplished career happiness and success done so? There’s a pattern in the way they communicate, or as Sinek calls it “the golden circle” of why, how and what. The “why” be the most crucial element.[bctt tweet="How do you find career happiness + success? Start with 'why.' @SimonSinek @ARHerdon"]

  1. The Secrets to Success by Eric Thomas

Why watch it?: Maybe you are someone who needs to be hit over the head with motivation. A personal favorite of our co-founder Shaun Johnson, this video by Eric Thomas focuses on what it takes to be successful. His remark that “you won’t make it unless you want success more than you want to breathe” is priceless. By this he means, the amount of perseverance and courage it takes to succeed should make it your number one priority. Life is not meant to be merely survived, but lived.

  1. How to Find and Do Work You Love by Scott Dinsmore

Why watch it?: What is it that separates the people who do inspiring, world-changing work from the people who live their lives in quiet desperation? Scott Dinsmore explains what it means to find your passion, which he describes as "the work that you can’t not do." Like Simon Sinek, he believes in all comes back to “why.” Bonus tip: Dinsmore recommends Strengthsfinder 2.0.[bctt tweet="To find work you love, consider what is the work you can't NOT do @ARHerndon"]

Blog to help you find your passion:

  1. InternQueen

Why follow it?: My personal favorite is to have something to refer to daily with updates. I highly recommend following the, especially to recent college graduates. The author, Lauren Berger, is great at mixing advice from networking to dealing with tough work situations. She also published a book that consolidates all these tips into one helpful place—Welcome to the Real World: Finding Your Place, Perfecting Your Work, and Turning Your Job into Your Dream Career.

Give these different options a shot, they might just change your life.

Photo credit: Ashley Rose via Flickr cc